Delivery and Returns
Delivery (website orders)
The price of the product includes delivery charges.
To obtain a copy of our complete terms and conditions regarding non-web orders, please get in touch with our customer services team.
Returns (website orders)
Each item undergoes a thorough inspection prior to being shipped.
If you are dissatisfied, we offer our customers the option to return any product within 14 days of receiving it, and we will provide a full refund.
Alternatively, we will exchange an item if it is found to be faulty upon delivery to you.
All products intended for return or exchange must be carefully repackaged in their original packaging.
Goods are charged at price shown on the product pages on the date the customer places the order and are inclusive of VAT.
Prices are correct at time of publication. Errors and omissions are excepted.
Orders will be processed at our published prices, otherwise, in the case of any unexpected change in price, you will be informed and asked if you wish to reconsider your order before proceeding.
If we should receive a complaint about any part of our service, by phone, fax, e-mail or letter, then it will be dealt with promptly (we will reply within 5 working days).It will then be dealt with confidentially, and effectively.