minerva® islands & breakfast bars
Due to the continuing investment in our production processes, we are now able to offer larger islands and breakfast bars in some décors as standard items. This can save further time on site and with Calcutta, for instance, the full veined effect can run across your feature island.

A new dimension in minerva®
minerva® Carrara White with integrated sink module. Tap shown can be found in the Carysil Products range, visit carysil.co.uk

Available in:
White | Sparkling White
Ice Crystal | Copper Fleck
Carrara White | Grey Crystal
Calcutta White

Request minerva® swatches
Websites are great but we understand the importance of being able to see the decors in your own home prior to purchase.
We are therefore pleased to offer a printed swatch request service – large format colour matched prints you can use to bring your colour design together.